While it initially seemed like Eivor was just dreaming of Asgard and Jotunheim after drinking Valka’s potions, the truth is a little more convoluted.

Writer Darby McDevitt hasn’t held back on any of the more fantastical elements of the AC franchise, namely that the world keeps trying to end and the only way to attempt to stop it is to keep using the technology of an ancient alien race who once upon a time enslaved humans and still keep popping up in digital and now human form. It’s worth saying now that this is the most lore heavy Assassin’s Creed in a long time and, as such, comes with bushels of Apples of Eden and brings back the Isu - or Those Who Came Before - centre stage. We’d advise powering up first as the final boss fight is a bit of a beast. This ending breakdown is going to cover the events in both the main story ending and the hidden ending in the mythical arc, so if you haven’t been back to see Valka since you first encountered Asgard, it’s time to go back to your Seer’s hut and finish the whole story. The spinning looms of the mythical Nornir have been hard at work on destinies in this one. I can’t say it will make everything crystal clear but it does help everything make a lot more sense if you have finished all of the story. The first question though, well, second after ‘WTF?!’, is whether you have also completed both the Asgard and Jotunheim stories. So if you’re left with a massive question mark over your head after the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla ending, you’re not alone.